May 12, 2015

Ignorance and Happy Endings are Bliss !!

Sometimes your deepest fears become your best friends. What you were running away from, all your life, just happens to be the most amazing thing you have now! That is when you know that you are truly experimenting with yourself and that you are taking all your chances. 

I never thought this amount of introspection could lead to a much better personal experience for me.. atleast in this place. Surprisingly, the results have been better... much better. It is so much better to not have to worry about what someone else is thinking right now, or what someone is doing, are they mad, are they sad etc etc etc... 

It is good to be my own centre of attraction for once. And I am loving every ounce of attention I give myself. I pamper myself with food I like, watch the movies I love, play the sports I want to and mainly I follow my heart. I do what I want to do and not what I am expected to !! The last week has been amazing! I think it was about time I gave everything a chill pill and just casually went with the flow... 

Things are so much easier and clearer when I am not over thinking and wasting my energy in disliking people. Partly, a reason for my happiness is also the fact that I will be going home in 4 days and tomorrow is The Originals' Season 2 Finale :P but otherwise, the whole of last week has exactly been how I wanted it to be. I only talk to people when I want to or when they need me (which is not quite often, and I am happy about that). I leave my room only when necessary and I have almost finished packing. 

It's been an amazing end to my not-so-good semester at Ashoka. Following a good start, a crappy two months in between and an amazing week of being with myself, I am about to conclude year 1 of college. I am really happy about it. 

I am looking forward to an action packed summer... with no alcohol :P lots of physical activity and mainly, I am looking forward to visiting London and meeting a lot of new people at Cambridge.. who knows what awaits there :D 

For now, it's a happy ending to year 1 at Ashoka University and I couldn't have been more proud of myself. Only I know what I have gone through and what I have sustained. This year has just taught me that I am much stronger than I assumed myself to be and that I am the most important person in my life. I have learnt to accept myself better and love myself even more freely than before. Finally, I am really proud of myself :)

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